Experience working at and mentoring several Cincy startups
9 years with Python
Chillin' w/ GvR
2. Data Engineering
What is data engineering?
"The data engineering field could be thought of as a superset of business intelligence and data warehousing that brings more elements from software engineering.”—Maxime
Data engineers exists because companies have troves of data… but they need to be able to extract and manipulate it to glean value
Data engineering tools are how we make sense of it all quickly(and at scale)
(Which tools? Data from where? At what scale?)
What is Astronomer?
Astronomer’s platform connects and centralizes data, making it super simple for anyone from business users to data scientists to quickly create and monitor data pipelines across the entire organization.
3. Apache Airflow
Airflow Intro
“Airflow is a platform to programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows.”
Airflow vs other frameworks - ex. Luigi(Spotify), Azkaban(LinkedIn)
Components are extensible and there are community contributed ones
Airflow and Spark Streaming at Astronomer
1. Introduction
My Background
2. Data Engineering
What is data engineering?
What is Astronomer?
3. Apache Airflow
Airflow Intro
Airflow at Astronomer