ASE WIP Spec Summary
The Kaneoh Product Management Platform will be used to improve the WIP report and provide a better experience to all ISE / ASE Europe stakeholders (internal teams, factories and customers).

This document describes the specifications and the user stories involved for the WIP customization inside Kaneoh.

Original environment

On a daily basis, the ASEKH, ASECL, ASEN factories uploads WIP reports and other documents to an FTP server.
SL: / / 3s225r4p2

ASEKH uploads 3 types of file:
  1. Substrate inventory (ISE EUROPE_substrate_material_kaohsiung.XLS) 
  1. WIP report: (ISEEU_turnkey_wip_kaohsiung.xls)
  1. Ship Alert: (ASEDRADR2073.txt)

ASECL uploads 2 types files:
  1. WIP Report: (ISU_STD-TK_20170728_zhongli_assembly&test.xls)
  1. Bumping Report: (ISU_CUST-WIP_20170728_zhongli_bumping.csv)
(TODO: are there ship alert documents from ASECL?)
SL: As of today, ship alerts only from ASEKH

ASEN uploads 1 type file:
  1. WIP Report: (IEU_WIP_Report_20170728_suzhou.xls)
(TODO: are there ship alert documents from ASEN?)
SL: As of today, ship alerts only from ASEKH

The WIP website well then parse those files and display them as presented here:
It is mainly a web representation of the Excel files.

Required Configuration
The administrator will create accounts for all the users that will use the Kaneoh Wip

User Stories

  1. As an admin, I can create a new organization (company or team)
  1. As an admin, I can create new users and assign them to any organization
  1. As an admin, I can view ANY product WIP report.
  1. As an admin, I can ONLY edit the product name.
  1. As an admin, everything a ‘regular’ user can do, I can to as well
  1. As a user, I can ONLY VIEW the WIP report page
  1. As a user, I can ONLY VIEW the WIP report related to my organization
  1. As a user, I can see the following stages in the WIP report
  1. BUMPING (if any)
  1. FT (Final Testing)
  1. As a user, clicking on any of those stage will show a popup window with the details of that specific stage
  1. As a user, I can filter the WIP report list by multiple criteria  to show certain products
  1. As a user, I can search for a particular product by using the search function