ASCAP: Member Database

In 2016 I left VMM to work at ASCAP on several new data products, the first of which being a member "baseball card" for use by c-levels based on an extensive interview process with these users, their subordinates, and the teams responsible for the input of data into existing structures.

I built the mobile-friendly platform myself from the middleware up to an Angular/Bootstrap front-end. I worked closely with the data team to develop SQL queries for all of the necessary data points. Alongside ASCAP's product team, I rapidly solved a number of UX and UI problems unique to their specific use cases and personally pushed all code to production.

The app makes use of d3 for interactive visualizations of member revenue and consolidates data from a number of sources throughout the organization. 

An essential part of the UX was linking related members to searchable pages for the managers, lawyers, and other parties. For the sake of member retention, the app made it clear to c-levels that maintaining relationships with managers responsible for multiple high-earning members was essential.