Nathalie, Ashley, Jessica, Kate want to try SEO/ postoptimizing
Jenn, Kate: AS can optimize, as possible


Kristin and Aimee will be using this document to help track keyword phrases for Autoimmune Sisters. 
  • Without even trying, we’ve already started to rank in the top 100 for several keywords. I have assigned those to the top posts and pages on our site. 
  • Every page and post needs to have their own unique keyword phrase. If you see a keyword phrase being used below, find another one! Using the same keyword(s) can lose our standing on Google.
  • Our domain score is low (because we’re still a new blog!) which means our keyword goals are low too. As our domain score increases, we can rank on harder keywords. 

KEYWORD GOAL: Find a keyword phrase that has a VOLUME between 200-1500 monthly searches (example below is: 590) with a low difficulty score less than 25 (example below is: 7). 

(number of searches/order on google)


3 Ways I’m Healing from Alopecia Areata
  • Jessica
diet for alopecia areata (210/#11)
alopecia areata diet (140/#6)
alopecia diet (210/#13)
autoimmune hair loss diet (170/#6)
leaky gut hair loss (90/#6)
updating MAY
Swedish Glogg Mulled Wine
  • Jessica
glogg mulled wine (140/#29)
swedish mulled wine (110/#33)
updating MAY
How to Create a Hawaiian Themed Staycation
  • Jessica
staycation hawaii (90/#6)
hawaii staycation (90/#6)
updating MAY


Simplifying Life: The Lazy Genius Way
  • Becca
the lazy genius way (720/#10)
the lazy genius (1600/#24)
lazy genius (1600/#27)
updating MAY
Paleo Buffalo Chicken Dip
  • Becca
paleo buffalo chicken dip (480/#18)
updating MAY
Paleo Pumpkin Cake
  • Becca
paleo pumpkin cake (110/#15)
updating MAY
Vitamin D, the Sunshine Vitamin
benefits of vitamin d on skin (1000/9)
benefits of vitamin d supplements (1000/9)
list of foods with vitamin d (480/8)

Finding Gratitude: The Naptime Yogi
online yoga resources (10/30)
peloton yoga class (260/17)


Body Confidence Tips: Loving Yourself Fully
  • Nathalie
how to love yourself and be confident (590/#18)

updating MAY
A Life Changing Mindset Shift: Moving From Lack To Abundance
mindset shift (590/#39)
updating MAY