Round 2 Room 24
Dialogue, Deliberation and Systemic Transformation 
Who is here? @Leanne Nurse
@Regina sneed
Leanne:  I would like to see the intergenerational work, such as a YouTube series where young people would interview pioneers.  That way, we could SHOW, rather than just tell how these ways of being can work.
Patricia: Belonging, growth, cooperation, ways of being together in these conversations
Janice:  Big environmental challenges. How to bring together D and D, environment and democratic reform.  They do't talk to each other, otherwise.
Regina: NCDD Want to find members who can get skills out into community.  Similar to Alliance for Justice which has offered training to non-profits (how to stay within law while groups advocate). NCDD could think locally, act nationally to share tools to make each organization more effectively.  That takes a lot old, Alinsky style organizing.  Many of us may have done that part before, but not nec D&D. 
Example:  SFO charter revision was highly political. We went out and explained how people could get involved in the charter revision process.  We used facilitators, trained with different D7D methods.  Could we get people to make those types of connections now?
Janice:  Looking for larger shift conversation, narrower question of D&D is more manageable.
Leanne:  Wondering how we meet people where they are, even as we eel the urgency of interconnected crises and needs. How do we as practitioners consider our own needs to grow and the needs of local people as they see them now.
@Regina sneed: Need to sign off now.  Looking for concrete action. Best wishes for holiday.
Janice:  How did these questions get framed.  It feels really big.
Silent Harvest