ACES Metadata File Implementation Virtual Working Group

(ARCHIVED - This group has concluded and is no longer active. This page remains here for reference only.) 

Document Workspace

Dan Tatut - Working Group Chairman - email
Alex Forsythe - ACES Technical Lead - email
Steve Tobenkin - ACES Adoption/Comms Lead - email
AMF VWG Home: ACESCentral ACESclip VWG

ACES Metadata Implementation VWG Goals

This group is intended to:
  • Create tools and best practices that assist in the consistent and quality implementation of the ACES Metadata File (AMF). 

ACES Metadata File Proponents

Below are the list of proponents for this work listed on the original proposal form:
  • Netflix
  • Universal Pictures
  • The Walt Disney Studios
  • Marvel Studios

Group Norms

  • By accessing this site, you agree to abide by the following rules.
  • If you post anything, please set your Dropbox name to your actual name or a name we can reasonably identify
  • Please do not delete any entries, documents or lists on this site.   This site is read only by default.  Email the working group chair or staff technical lead if you need access to modify this page.
How the ACES VWG Process Works
If you’re new to our Virtual Working Group structure, please note the following:
Working Group Meetings are held on GoToMeeting 
Discussions are hosted on in the named VWG Discussions category 
Schedules, documents, to-dos, etc. are hosted on the named VWG workspace (i.e. you’re on the Workspace for this group: ACESclip Requirements Review and Revision)
A list of all the active and past VWGs can be found on the Workspace Home:


New Specification DRAFT

Group Proposal Form

VWG Deliverables

  • Interoperability testing based on a set of canonical test vectorsfor the primary use-cases.
  • Pseudo-code/algorithmsto help adopters to implement AMF in their products
  • Propose support/interaction for AMF into/with various media transport formats, in particular file formats used in production, post production, mastering and archiving(e.g. ST2067-50 IMF Application #5)


We use GoToMeeting for our conference calls and we record and then post each meeting so the community can review.  Instructions for GoToMeeting are here:

Meeting Records

Meeting #1 - 11/21/2019
  • Agenda
  • Decisions
  • The AMF XML file should use a .amf file extension to differentiate if from other XML files used in production / post-production.

  • Action Items
  • Determine mechanism to support communication of AFM in ALE and discuss with Avid
  • Determine mechanism to support communication of AFM in EDL
  • Determine mechanism to support communication of AFM in ADSM
  • Determine mechanism to support communication of AFM in digital magazines

Meeting #2 - 12/5/2019

  • Agenda
  1. Review of Decisions and Action Items from Meeting #1
  1. Hash Algorithm Discussion
  1. ALE Discussion
  1. EDL Discussion

Meeting #3 12/12/2019

  1. Review meeting #2 decisions & action items
  1. Discuss latest changes in documentation & schema
  1. Discuss test vectors & support in file formats
  1. Discuss implementations

Meeting #4 12/20/2019

  1. Review meeting #3 decisions & action items
  1. Discuss latest changes in documentation & schema
  1. Discuss test vectors & support in file formats (finalize discussion on ALE & EDL support)
  1. Discuss implementations

Meeting #5 - 01/2/2020

  • Agenda
  1. Review of Decisions and Action Items from 2019
  1. Discuss in-camera/capture support for AMF

Meeting #6 - 01/9/2020

  • Agenda
  1. Review changes & updates for the documentation & test vectors
  1. Updates from Pomfort on amf-util
  1. Updates from Joseph and Walther on in-camera/capture support for AMF studies

Meeting #7 - 01/23/2020

  • Agenda
  1. Questions on XSD validation for AMF & CDL
  1. Issues with transform IDs for IDTs and Inverse ODTs.
  1. Review changes & updates for the documentation & test vectors
  1. Updates from Pomfort on amf-util & test material
  1. Updates on ADSM

Meeting #8 - 02/07/2020

  • Agenda
  1. Update of XSD to support Inverse ODTs
  1. Review changes & updates for the documentation & test vectors
  1. Updates from Pomfort on amf-util & test material
  1. Updates on ADSM discussion on ISXD
  1. Discuss LMT working spaces in AMF

Meeting #9 - 02/21/2020

  • Agenda
  1. Discuss support of Inverse ODTs
  1. Review changes & updates for the documentation & test vectors
  1. Updates from Pomfort on amf-util & test material
  1. Discuss best practices for hash values, and clip Id/name/file element when used with ALE, EDL, etc
  1. Discuss LMT working spaces in AMF

Meeting #10 - 02/28/2020

  • Agenda
  1. Review changes & updates for the documentation & test vectors
  1. Discuss Reference Material
  1. Updates from Pomfort on amf-util & test material
  1. Discuss LMT working spaces in AMF
  1. Discuss End of Phase #1
  1. Discuss NAB Plans (if any)

Meeting #11 - 03/5/2020

  • Agenda
  1. Review changes & updates for the documentation & test vectors
  1. Discuss Reference Material
  1. Updates amf-util
  1. Discuss LMT working spaces in AMF
  1. Discuss End of Phase #1

Meeting #12 - 03/12/2020

  • Agenda
  1. Review changes & updates for the documentation & test vectors
  1. Discuss Reference Material
  1. Updates amf-util
  1. Discuss potential minor changes/additions in AMF spec (ACES v1.2)
  1. Discuss End of Phase #1

Meeting #13 - 03/19/2020

  • Agenda
  1. Review changes & updates for the documentation & test vectors
  1. Discuss Reference Material
  1. Updates amf-util
  1. Discuss specification & publication status
  1. Discuss End of Phase #1

Meeting #14 - 03/26/2020

  • Agenda
  1. Review changes & updates for the specification, documentation & test vectors
  1. Discuss Reference Material
  1. Updates amf-util
  1. Discuss specification & publication status
  1. Discuss End of Phase #1

Meeting #15 - 04/9/2020
  • Agenda
  1. Discuss published elements (specification, documentation & test vectors)
  1. Discuss AMF & ADSM workflows

Meeting #16 - 04/16/2020
  • Agenda
  1. Discuss published elements (specification, documentation & test vectors)
  1. Discuss AMF & ADSM workflows (continuation)
  1. Future AMF features for ADSM workflows
  1. Mapping of AMF information in ADSM

Meeting #17 - 04/30/2020
  • Agenda
  1. Post-webinar feedback
  1. Specification status
  1. Implementation & Interoperability

Meeting #18 - 05/07/2020
  • Agenda
  1. Specification status & comments/questions
  1. Basic Interoperability discussion
  1. Advanced Interoperability discussion
  1. New workflows/use cases

Meeting #19 - 05/21/2020
  • Agenda
  1. Specification status & comments/questions
  1. AMF Interoperability discussion (continued, IDTs, LMTs, CLF)
  1. New workflows/use cases

Meeting #20 - 05/28/2020
  • Agenda
  1. Specification status & comments/questions
  1. AMF Interoperability discussion (continued, IDTs, LMTs, CLF)
  1. New workflows/use cases

Meeting #21 - 06/11/2020
  • Agenda
  1. Specification status & comments/questions
  1. AMF Interoperability discussion (continued, IDTs, LMTs, CLF)
  1. New workflows/use cases

Meeting #22 - 07/09/2020
  • Agenda
  1. IDT Updates (Interoperability in AMF)
  1. Proposed changes in the specification & schema
  1. New workflows/use cases

Meeting #23 - 08/06/2020
  • Agenda
  1. Proposed changes in the specification & schema
  1. AMF + external LMTs (via CLF) Interop test results
  1. Discuss best practices for CLF
  1. New workflows/use cases

Meeting #24 - 09/03/2020
  • Agenda
  1. Proposed changes in the specification & schema
  1. AMF + external LMTs (via CLF) best practices
  1. New workflows/use cases

Meeting #25 - 10/01/2020
  • Agenda
  1. Specification & schema status
  1. AMF Handbook
  1. Promoting AMF

Meeting #26 - 10/29/2020
  • Agenda
  1. Specification & schema status
  1. AMF Handbook updates

Meeting #27 - 11/12/2020
  • Agenda
  1. Specification & schema status
  1. AMF Handbook updates

Meeting #28 - 12/03/2020
  • Agenda
  1. Specification & schema status
  1. AMF Handbook & Experience updates
  1. AMF & CLF Collaboration
  1. AMF & CLF Demo Project

Meeting #29 - 12/17/2020
  • Agenda
  1. Specification & schema status
  1. AMF Handbook update
  1. AMF & CLF Demo Project

Meeting #30 - 1/28/2021
  • Agenda
  1. Specification & schema status
  1. AMF Handbook update
  1. AMF & CLF Demo Project

Meeting #31 - 2/11/2021
  • Agenda
  1. Specification & schema status
  1. AMF Handbook update
  1. AMF & CLF Demo Project

Meeting #32 - 2/25/2021
  • Agenda
  1. Specification & schema status
  1. AMF Handbook update
  1. AMF & CLF Demo Project

Meeting #33 - 3/11/2021
  • Agenda
  1. Specification & schema status
  1. AMF Handbook update
  1. AMF & CLF Demo Project

Meeting #34 - 3/25/2021
  • Agenda
  1. Specification & schema status
  1. AMF Handbook update
  1. AMF & CLF Demo Project

Meeting #35 - 4/22/2021
  • Agenda
  1. Specification & schema status
  1. AMF Handbook update
  1. AMF & CLF Demo Project

Meeting #36 - 6/17/2021
  • Agenda
  1. AMF & CLF Demo Project

Meeting #37 - 7/22/2021
  • Agenda
  1. AMF & CLF Demo Project

Meeting #38 - 9/30/2021
  • Agenda
  1. AMF Handbook changes review
  1. AMF & CLF Demo Project
Meeting #39 - 12/09/2021