“A Look In The Mirror”
(look at from a “discussion of assumptions” standpoint)

I need to be more descriptive on the Mirror Topics and Answers. Reference the StartupBinome. I have to give the model (Mirror) credibility through transparency.

A Look In The Mirror”

The “objectives” will input casually into the answers, but they will be used more actively when constructing the subscriptions. Each subscription will used as input from the objectives of the contributing Topics (with the heavier weight Topics contributing in more nudges). Continually update objectives (as per new information)

  • How organized are you when you get up in the morning? Do you plan your day ahead?
  • Objectives:
  • Goal is get people to realize that prepping for the day is crucial to a contributing life. Work off as optimum set of routines as possible.
  • Getting 8 hours of sleep
  • Drink water first thing
  • Stretch
  • Meditate
  • Breakfast: healthy and at the same time
  • Start your working with the most difficult task (get the synapses going)
  • Before I go to bed I make sure I have the next day laid out and prepared. (0)
  • I plan for the week, but normally my days just kind of unfold — too often beyond my control. (50)
  • I’m a mess. I have no idea want’s going to happen in the next hour, let alone the next day. (100)
  • What best describes your breakfast — if you even call it that.
  • Objectives:
  • Goal: two-pronged — increase awareness and set them on the right path to eating correctly. Spillover benefits: combating diabetes and higher productivity
  • Does the person even know what they eat is important.
  • 2nd question: food selection (quality) — the problem here is that this is less about effort and more about current status. Calculate numbers accordingly
  • Layout a three (or four) daily eating routines
  • I make sure a get an ample dose of protein to start out the day along with a glass of juice. (0)
  • I never have time for much so I just grab a donut or whatever else doesn’t look three days old at the convenience store down the block. (70)
  • Isn’t coffee considered breakfast? (100)
  • Average meal: providing fuel that contributes to daily activity and longer term
  • Objectives:
  • Get people off fast food and smaller portions more often
  • Eat more produce
  • Hard wire the fact what you put in your body determines who you are
  • Move Merchants into providing better food alternatives
  • This topic works in conjunction with the food selection topic — work them together
  • I don’t have time for anything. (100)
  • I really try to eat well. I have the food pyramid on my kitchen wall, framed! (0)
  • If McDonald’s had a loyalty program I’d own the one on the way to work. (70)
  • Movement (short term): providing a continual source of oxygen for short term needs
  • Objectives:
  • Pound the idea that sleep is important
  • Introduce possible ways of improving sleep quantity and quality
  • Reduce caffeine and sugar intake
  • Work off of Watch numbers (be more conscious of “rested assessment”)
  • Call me obsessive, but I even have a standing desk. (0)
  • My desk chair perfectly fits my butt — and it was no small accomplishment getting it that way. (80)
  • I have this love/hate relationship with the “stand” notifications on my Apple Watch. (20)