Radical Clerkenwell resources
Islington Life - Clerkenwell
IslingtonLife - community news, highlights, history, local people and things to do around Islington
Reds On The Green - A Short Tour of Clerkenwell Radicalism
This text is a short sketch of the radical history of the Clerkenwell area, its characters and events.
Radical history of Islington: why Clerkenwell is the place where Russian Revolution Centenary is to be celebrated
A century ago on the 25 October, the October Revolution, an event that changed the world irreversibly, took place in Petrograd, Russian Empire. Now, the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution …
Was the Revolution planned in London?
PETER FROST takes us back 110 years to London, where Russian exiles sow the seeds of October 1917
Andrew Whitehead
Popular Politics and Social Structure in Clerkenwell
Once upon a time, I embarked on a PhD about mid- and late-Victorian Clerkenwell - an area noted for its radicalism. I was examining the extent to which the local occupational structure explained this...
Red London: radicals and socialists in late-Victorian Clerkenwell
My doctoral research into popular politics and society in late Victorian Clerkenwell ( some draft chapters are posted elsewhere on this site ) found its way into the public domain through this...
The photograph on the left is of Clerkenwell Green - and is taken from the cover of the excellent recent Survey of London volume on South and East Clerkenwell . It seems to be taken from the roof of...
David Rosenberg
Rebel Footprints
The radical response to conservative heritage tours and banal day-tripper guides, Rebel Footprints brings to life the history of social movements in the capi...
East End Walks
- David Rosenberg
Visionaries, Rebels and Dissenters: A walk through Islington’s radical history
See Rebel Footprints in iBooks for a chapter and the walk
George Gissing
- Lee Jackson
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David Rosenberg