Social infrastructure
+Local Commons index 

Papers on social infrastructure
  • Valuing social infrastructure- Early Action Task Force. Identifies three elements: buildings, facilities and the built environment; services and organisations; strong and healthy communities

Initial list developed from Dan Gregory

People, places, activities

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  • On-the-ground
  • civic—village halls, music venues, libraries, art galleries
  • religious—churches, synagogues, mosques and temples;
  • traditional—working men’s clubs or the WI, sports clubs and scout groups;
  • private—pubs, cafes, markets, shopping malls and bingo halls; bookshops
  • public—schools and colleges, health centres;
  • outdoors—sports pitches, parks and gardens, allotments and village greens;
  • routes—footpaths, cycle paths, canals and waterways;
  • occasions—bonfire night, car boot sales, carnivals and Halloween;
  • associations—CVAs (councils for voluntary action), PTAs and babysitting circles.

  • Facebook groups and pages
  • Google groups
  • Twitter
  • Freecycle
  • Next Door