The 5 things that kill startups

(Supplement to +Michael Seibel: Building Product )


The 5 things that kill startups:

  • Causes: too much hiring/spending, not measuring or paying attention to actual metrics, frequently changing KPIs, “magical thinking”
  • Solutions: pick an honest KPI (e.g. revenue) and stick with it, track retention, cap your burn
  • Causes: self-doubt, a desire to copy a “winning formula” from other companies, talking to your investors more than customers
  • Solutions: talk to your customers instead, work in a space you feel confident in, keep a low burn, don’t depend on your investors or give them power over you
  • Causes: weak prior relationship, no clear roles and responsibilities, lack of mutual trust/accountability
  • Solutions: have “level-3” conversations, define clear roles and responsibilities, make expectations clear
  • Causes: no clear metrics, just happy to be alive, no desire to do things that don’t scale
  • Solutions: set measurable goals, aim high, consciously try to improve your habits/productivity and recognize this is something that can be improved
  • Causes: lack of process, lack of motivation, lack of specs, lack of talking to customers
  • Solutions: set up a product development process, write everything down, write product/technical specs, always be collecting both quantitative and qualitative feedback

Recurring themes:
  • DO:
  • Pick a KPI (e.g. revenue, DAUs) and stick with it
  • Track metrics and pay close attention to them
  • Set aggressive measurable goals and try to hit them each sprint
  • Talk to your customers regularly, don’t rely on investors or your “gut” for insights
  • Define roles, responsibilities, and expectations for everyone on your team
  • Have processes for deciding what to build, and when to release
  • Try to release and measure as quickly and often as possible
  • Write everything down, write specs
  • Do things that don’t scale, be “extraordinary”
  • DON’T:
  • Make your investor your boss
  • Spend/hire too quickly pre-PMF
  • Ignore the numbers
  • Change your KPI too frequently
  • Stop learning, stop trying to improve

In depth: 5 things that kill startups

In the video, Michael focuses on post-seed startups, but a lot of the lessons apply for most early-stage companies.

Problem #1: Fake Product Market Fit

One of the most common symptoms of impending death is believing you have PMF when you don’t.

Why do founders believe they have PMF when they don’t?
  • They raise from impressive people