🖥️ 4A00CN48-3004 » Joonas Salojärvi
Student Name
Joonas Salojärvi
Project Name
Cocktail Kamu
Description of the project
A site for cocktail and other drink lovers. The basic idea is that you can input what ingredients you own, and the site will show you which drinks and cocktails you can make. Users can also add their own drinks and ingredients to the database. Only
“verified” drinks are shown by default, to filter out all spam etc. I’ll probably look into Firebase authentication, but if it seems too complex I’ll probably skip it. Real authentication makes anti-spam much more manageable. I actually have a lot of ideas for this project, but we’ll see how much can be done within this timeframe.
Technology Stack
Frontend: Angular
Backend: Node.js + MariaDB
Site URL (when finished)
R1 Deadline
R2 Deadline

Product Backlog

This is a plan for all the features of the project application. Each feature has a owner who is responsible for implementing that feature. Product backlog is modified after each release. In the end this is a list of all implemented features of the app.

Release 1

  • Frontend
  • Backend
  • Frontend
  • Backend

Release 2

  • Filter drinks by ingredients @Joonas S 
  • LocalStorage to save users ingredients @Joonas S 
  • Top-rated drinks etc. @Joonas S 
  • Plain search page for drinks @Joonas S 
  • Jenkins / Docker stuff to make site upgradeable by pushing one button @Joonas S 
  • Basic Google OAuth implementation

Release Notes 1

Download pre-release from GitHub. Release contains source code.

General Info about the Release

Release went pretty well, I started early with a lot of code. I gave the backend a lot of time, mostly because I like backend programming more than frontend. This was the first time I did an actually “good” node.js project, with good folder structures and so on. It does have a shit ton of code atm, but I still think it’s more readable than my previous projects. I tried to do a lot of things that can be reused later on, like a simple ORM for the database. I could have used any ORM available through the NPM repo, but I wanted to really challenge myself with this project. It might also backfire on me since, for example, doing one-to-many mappings isn’t as easy as I thought (at least if you want to do it efficiently with batch requests).  I think this 1 month period for the project is actually pretty short, since I have to work also at the same time, so I might not be able to do everything I want on this. 

Planned Features from Product Backlog

Following features were planned for this release and the ones with checked checkbox are implemented properly.
  • Frontend
  • Backend
  • Frontend
  • Backend

Planned Features for Next Release

  • Filter drinks by ingredients @Joonas S 
  • LocalStorage to save users ingredients @Joonas S 
  • Top-rated drinks etc. @Joonas S 
  • Plain search page for drinks @Joonas S