📱 4A00CN47-3003 » Joonas Salojärvi
Student Name
Joonas Salojärvi
Project Name
League of Legends Summoner Spell Tracker
Description of the project
App to track the summoner spell in Riot Games’ League of Legends. Summoners spells are crucial to gameplay, and have long cooldowns. App will fetch given players current match information, and display enemy champions with their summoner spells and their cooldowns. Pressing on a summoner spell will set that spell to cooldown (automatic summoner spell tracking is considered cheating, so that is why user interaction is required).
Similar to these: http://loltracker.gg/ (except better)
Technology Stack
Frontend: React Native, Backend: Riot Games API
R1 Deadline
R2 Deadline
R3 Deadline

Product Backlog

This is a plan for all the features of the project application. Each feature has a owner who is responsible for implementing that feature. Product backlog is modified after each release. In the end this is a list of all implemented features of the app.

Release 1

  • Adding users (summoners) ​@Joonas S​ 
  • Save users to AsyncStorage ​@Joonas S​ 
  • Fetching encrypted Summoner ID’s ​@Joonas S​ 

Release 2

  • Fetch match info ​@Joonas S​ 
  • UI to show all players in a match ​@Joonas S​ 

Release 3

  • Add timer functionality ​@Joonas S​ 
  • Image (champions and summoner spells) fetching from Data Dragon CDN ​@Joonas S​ 
  • Cache images ​@Joonas S​ 
  • Add support for Summoner Spell Cooldown Reduction stuff ​@Joonas S​ 
  • UI to choose if possible CDR boots ​@Joonas S​ 
  • Calculate timings correctly using CDR info ​@Joonas S​ 

Release Notes 1

Download pre-release from GitHub. Release contains both source and runnable apk file.
The APK I built uses developer API key, which is only valid for 24 hours. Summoner fetching won’t work, unless you build your own APK with your own API key. More info here about keys.
Screenshots here showing list of summoners

General Info about the Release

Release went good, it was very easy to get started. I did everything planned for this release way faster than I expected. I managed to do everything in the backlog for this release, and in addition summoner icon fetching from CDN. You can also remove users from the list. I hope to get the production API key after the product is ready, but even though I won’t, I can make this app using a little different method and still get it to Google Play. This is something I will release no matter what, since I will be using it personally.

Planned Features from Product Backlog

Following features were planned for this release and the ones with checked checkbox are implemented properly.

Release 1

  • Adding users (summoners) ​@Joonas S​ 
  • Save users to AsyncStorage ​@Joonas S​ 
  • Fetching encrypted Summoner ID’s ​@Joonas S​ 

Planned Features for Next Release

  • Fetch match info ​@Joonas S​ 
  • Add timer functionality ​@Joonas S​ 
  • UI to show all players in a match ​@Joonas S​ 
  • Image (champions and summoner spells) fetching from Data Dragon CDN ​@Joonas S​ 

The Product Backlog has been updated to correspond to the new situation.