High-precision characterization of ALPIDE spatial resolution with 6 layers telescope in PS beam tests:
Preliminary learning:
Getting used to the two software packages that we will use for the study, EUDAQ2 and Corryvreckan. A detailed introduction to the tools can be found in the“Getting started” section.
EUDAQ2 → data-acquisition software for beam tests.
Corryvreckan → offline-analysis software package for beam-test data
Characterization of the 6 ALPIDE chips of the 6 reference ALPIDE chips that equip the telescope with ALPIDE-daq-software tools
the objective is to learn the basic tools to test if a chip is working
test the chips(6 ALPIDEs) that equip the telescope during the PS beam tests(to make sure that they are properly functioning)
Getting experience of the EUDAQ2 software with a simple setup(1 ALPIDE+1 DAQ):
Few hours of data taking(depending on the beam conditions)
Collect a O(10^5) - O(10^6) events with dedicated calibration, alignment runs etc.
If possible, we will vary the chip setup(e.g. different Vbias)
Step 6) Offline analysis:
We will perform the data analysis to characterize the ALPIDE spatial resolution and calculate the correction to the reconstructed hit position based on the cluster size(never done so far by ITS3 people, and very useful for MOSS studies).
Getting started:
Documentation on the data-acquisition/beam-test code:
Documentation on corryvreckan code:
Task(s) description:
High-precision characterization of ALPIDE spatial resolution with 6 layers telescope in PS beam tests: