
Research & Innovation Project (PRI, EPITA, OpenBCI based)

To complete
  • Romain Rouyer (@Rouffi)  - UX Designer (Smile) and Founder of CogLab.


First Milestone - Demonstration of "Démo +L’Echappée volée 2015"
Description FR
Création d'un cerveau DIY constitué de :
  • fil de fer et papier calque pour la structure
  • LEDs piloté par un Arduino
Le tout relié à un casque EEG pour permettre du NeuroFeedback en temps réel
Description EN
Creating a DIY brain consists of:
  • Wire and paper layer for the structure
  • LEDs controlled by an Arduino/RaspberryPI
All connected to an EEG headset to allow real-time Neurofeedback
Step 1 - Arduino
  1. Install Arduino
  1. Download code from GitHub
  1. Configure...
  • Useful links
Step 2 - EEG
In a first time, we can test the Open EEG headset, then use an Open BCI for a more accurate signal and allow spatialization.
  1. Instal OpenVibe