2023 NCAD Works Upload Instructions
The NCAD Works website showcases the work of graduating student of that year. This has become a substantial resource for students and professionals to see graduates work and extend the reach and audience for the graduate show. Each student has their own page on the site to showcase their work. You can see past years websites from the year links on this page to get an idea of how best to present your work. 

We are doing some updates this year to give you more flexibility in submitting. We will share a link on Thursday 18th May and you will be able to upload and edit your work from that date until 4pm on Monday 22nd May

When you receive the upload link you will need to have the below information in order to complete your submission.

Part A. Your Details 

  1. Full Name 
  • as you’d like it to publicly appear on the NCAD Works website.

  1. Personal email  Optional
  • if you’d like to be contactable from your profile for work or commission enquiries

  1. Website address   Optional
  • if you have a website there will be a field asking for the web address which will be included on your profile

  1. Instagram  Optional
  • if you have an instagram you can include a link

Part B. Your Work

  1. Title of your final project
  • as you’d like it to appear on your profile

  1. Thumbnail Image 
  • used within the graduates pages or course pages (like this page), this image will also be used on display screens advertising the show in various locations around the city.
  • Images should be jpg/png that’s 2000px on the longest edge and ideally landscape.
  • See note on image formatting and prep below.

  1. Work Images  Optional
  • Up to 9 other images which can be a selection of work or research imagery. 
  • The upload form will have fields for identifying research and adding captions for each image.
  • See note on image formatting and prep below.

  1. Videos  Optional
  • Up to 3 links to youtube or vimeo videos of your work including captions. These videos needs to be publicly accessible and not a link only you can see. Try sharing the link to the video with someone else first to be sure they can view it before submitting.

Image Formatting and Preparation 

The image upload part of the form will tell you if your file is too big. 
Here is a useful article about image resizing. Images need to be as follows…

  • named clearly and ideally numbered to reflect your order preference, this ensures you know exactly how they are present on your page.
  • 1-yourname.jpg
  • 2-yourname.png
  • 3-yourname.gif
  • etc
  • image formats only, (jpg, png or gif)
  • RGB colour for best appearance on screen