
For those who will be assigned to graduation study

We are researching AI technology that can be applied to the real world. The objective is not just AI programming, but to analyze the intellectual elements that will be required in the future society and to derive the best solution. What you can learn here will be very useful for your future growth as a researcher and engineer. The research themes are divided into three groups as applications and three categories as elemental technologies. All the themes are placed on the following matrix

  1. 池原 健矢 「強化学習で得られた複数方策の統合による転移学習」
  1. 島田 直哉「強化学習を用いた異常予測と因果関係推定」
  1. 兵頭 幸起「ケアプラン文書推薦のためのクエリ拡張に基づくSCDV」
  1. 藤井 仁花「帯域別pix2pixを用いた眼底異常検出」
  1. 登内 雅人「R-CNNによる三次元船型形状からの造波抵抗推定」
  1. 角 文真「バイタルデータと投与情報を用いた術中管理支援のためのイベント予測」
  1. 大石 修也 「位相限定相関とCNNを用いたロバストな動体移動推定」
  1. 板橋 雅弘「多次元少数データのための意味情報によるコミュニティ構造に基づくベイジアンネットワーク」
  1. 夏 有輝也 「Meta Learning Shared Hierarchies を用いた車両速度追従制御」
  1. 岸  大輝 「生殖医療支援」
  1. 頼  新 「ケアプラン生成」
  1. Wu Dengyu  「マルチエージェント強化学習による交通流制御」
  1. Sang Di  「AnoGANによる異常検知」
  1. 相戸 惇志「Double-DIPを用いた画像分解による異常検知」
  1. 井本 稜馬「多次元時系列データに対するMulti-level Attentionを用いた解釈可能な時系列予測」
  1. 榮田 元「連続空間におけるアンサンブル逆強化学習のための特徴抽出の自動化」
  1. 長沢 M 和也 「教師なし意味表現学習によるランク付きセマンティック検索」
  1. 山下 廣大  「最適方策が複数存在する環境に対応可能な敵対的逆強化学習」
  1. 木村 慶豪「CNNを用いた精子識別タスクにおける事前学習と層の深さが与える影響に関する調査研究」

You may look at these themes, literaly, it may seem very difficult to understand. However, the scope  is extremely practical, covering a wide range of topics from basic to applied.  You can easy to imagine if it is only applied study with toy AI, but in our laboratory it is not limited to that. In addition to implementing application programs, we will set up themes based on new basic technologies, novel designs, and ripple effects on other fields. By embarking on such a bird's-eye view theme, you can acquire skills as an AI integrator and consultant, not just an AI system engineer.
2. 研究室の活動

Although we do not have a core time, we encourage students to study in the laboratory from 10:30 to 17:00 as much as possible. When You can't come to the office due to some reasons, I ask people to contact me in advance through the designated SNS channel. The purpose of this is to keep a regular pace of school life  to the extent that it doesn't make you feel unwell, as you tend to slacken your lifestyle of this field. Some people may question the necessity of gathering in a common place, a laboratory, because information-related research is often the work of one's own. On the other hand, sharing the thoughts and opinions of different people and having the opportunity to explain your own ideas is the most effective way to broaden your horizons and gain new knowledge. There is a value in the activities of the laboratory that cannot be obtained by the knowledge of the Internet alone.


Our regular activities are weekly seminars and group meetings. The seminar is an opportunity for students to present their research progress about once a month. In each seminar, all members of the laboratory participate and discuss their research. We usually prepare presentations and resumes in conference format. I will also introduce the paper. It's a good pacemaker to have a research schedule that works with this seminar. Group meetings are held in groups of 5 or 6 people to explain the progress of the research on a weekly basis, using the research notes on the web. Through the preparation of these research records and presentation materials, students will acquire skills in research presentation and resume preparation.


However, for graduate students, these regular activities do not start until the summer. Until then, the focus is on the basic knowledge required for research activities and exercises to understand the coding environment. The exercises will take about three turns, they are very enriching. Whether you have computer skills or not, you'll be able to start your research with the knowledge you need to prepare for it.

The research themes of the students will be decided in May at the earliest, and by the end of June at the latest.