2019 Project Invent Launch Teams


The Nueva School // San Mateo, CA
Stria is a smart waistband that alerts blind users when they are veering when crossing the road. It uses direction sensors and vibration feedback to warn users when they are veering unintentionally and direct them back on track.
Technology: IMU detecting angle of walking; vibration motors on each side to indicate correct direction to walk.
Support Needed: design for manufacturing; beta testing with users; programming


The Nueva School // San Mateo, CA
Unwind is a snug handheld device designed to reduce stress with a comforting pulse and calm light.
Technology: accelerometer detecting tap to turn on or flip to change mode; LED and vibration motor to emit pulse and calming light
Support Needed: design for manufacturing; beta testing with users


The Nueva School // San Mateo, CA
Ferrofoot is a foot brace designed to allow the millions of patients worldwide affected by Foot Drop to walk again. It uses a clever ferrofluid mechanism to activate an electromagnet and lock the brace so someone with drop foot’s foot doesn’t drag.
Technology: electromagnet that activates magnetorheological (MR) fluid to lock the foot in place to prevent foot drop.
Support Needed: patenting; making it wireless

Lyra Band

TAMS // Denton, TX
The Lyra Band is a smart wristband that aims to mitigate negative encounters between those with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and law enforcement by alerting an officer on their phone about how to handle the situation presented. The wristband connects with a companion app that police use to alert them that they are dealing with someone with ASD and automatically contacts the caretaker and records audio of the interaction.
Technology: bluetooth so the device activates the companion app used by police officers and a microphone and SD card to record and store police interactions.
Support Needed: patenting, programming, app development, electronics

Helping Hoodie

TAMS // Denton, TX
The Helping Hoodie is a smart jacket that acts like a wearable hug. It’s designed to help people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) cope with sensory overload. It utilizes a compression system or air pockets and a pull string to simulate the feeling of a hug. The built-in visor in the hood also uses noise cancellation to calm down people with ASD in environments where they'd experience sensory overload. Marketing for $100, the hoodies will be made to order and personalized for each individual to be the most comfortable and desirable fit possible.
Technology: button to activate compression created by air pockets and a pull string to simulate a hug.
Support Needed: patenting, branding, electronics (hardware), manufacturing


Gunn High School // Palo Alto, CA
DREW (Defining and Regulating Emotional Welfare) is an interactive teddy bear designed to help children with autism identify their emotions through song. When DREW's paw is pressed, it plays a fun song with lyrics that teach the physical feelings of an emotion. DREW also helps the child calm down by pulsing to the rate of a calm heartbeat.
Technology: pressure sensor to detect squeeze on paw to trigger microphone for song and vibration motor for pulse
Support Needed: beta testing with users; programming