FCND - 04 - Estimation - 04 - 3D EKF and UKF

4. EKF Tradeoffs - State

EKF State Vector

When you take attitude out of EKF you won’t get as good an estimate, but sometimes you do it to save on complexity.

The "Full" State Vector

Often, the full state vector actually has more than 12 variables in it. That's because in addition to estimating the typical 12 variables, we often also want to keep track of the IMU biases. Remember from the lesson on sensors that bias is typically modeled as a random walk, that is:
Estimating the bias in real-time like this is what's known as "online system identification".

5. EKF Tradeoffs - Control

We can use the IMU measurements as control inputs instead of measurements to keep the state vector smaller and to avoid problems with low-cost hardware where the control signals don’t accurately reflect the control outputs.

Additional Reading

If you're interested in learning more about the tradeoffs associated with using the accelerometer as the control input, this paper goes over a thorough analysis of different approaches: Fusing Inertial Sensor Data in an Extended Kalman Filter for 3D Camera Tracking

6. Complimentary Filter

Accelerometers when averaged over long time scales should point down. We can use that down reference to measure attitude. But only over long time scales.

Rate gyros give good estimates of angular rates, not noisy but are susceptible to drift. Not useful for long timescales.

7. Complimentary Filter Math

Our measurements come in at some frequency, so Ts is the time between such measurements.

We need to come up with estimates for theta and phi using previous estimate and new measurement
To estimate theta we use the following algorithm.
tau is a time constant
This term is an integration. We take the old estimate and add the change from the gyros. So it is susceptible to drift.

Now we add the direct measurement from the accelerometer. a much noisier estimate but not susceptible to drift.