Round Three Room 30 for World Cafe on Jan 6th, 2015 
Part of DandDTrans: a community of inquiry and action regarding the role that D&D can play in addressing the mega-crises of our time
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Who is here? 
  •  Bruce
  • Stephen 
  •  Gerald
  • Stephanie 
Round Three Question: 
  • Sensing into everything you've said and heard, what's taking shape here?  
Collaborative Notes
Stephen: Did not hear prototype discussion  in the wrap up
Stephanie: Not necessarily mean that we were the only ones.
Prototyping, is that what is taking shape? combining technologies? 
Different tribes pulled into this have familiar frames and cultures, pre-existing networks
Is the prototype taking shape?
Stephen: If we can't make this all work together than probably not accessible to general population.
What are limitations of model?
Maestro leads to harvesting and then never hear from them again.
This is a series, has an organic feel to it, growing something together. Evolving
What gives us more momentum is being introduced to this technology. Can do some significant communication analysis.
Find elements of ritual that are off-putting to people. If our own passion gets in the way, then hackpad may help build inclusiveness.
hackpad may be too compartmentalized, so can't cross-fertilize efficiently
If enough are interacting there can be rich information in the diversity; convergence of difference that sparks something and fans out in a new way
Hackpad leaves a record
Bruce: has been disorienting. Difference between dialogue and free flowing conversation.
Build enthusiasm--important, if you have this, the next step has initiative
Focus attention
Teach specific skills
learn from our learning
Sorry, my phone disconnected.
I am hearing excitement about this initial stage and concern about the continuity question. Are we building momentum toward something that we can cooperatively develop together? How will we get from this sweet spot to that place which would allow everyone to experience this sweet spot with everyone else?
Great notes!  @Bruce Nayowith, I see you slipped a tag for Bohm into this hackpad :-)  I also went ahead and created an +Open Space topic on prototyping