1 はじめに Introduction

建築ITコミュニケーションデザイン論 AITCD#1


担当教員 Lecturer

  • 本江正茂 Masashige Motoe
  • 都市・建築学専攻 准教授, 博士(環境学)
  • Department of Architecture and Building Science, Assoc. Prof., PhD
  • motoe@tohoku.ac.jp

年次・学期 Year, Semester

  • 東北大学大学院工学研究科都市・建築学専攻博士課程前期 
  • 1st semester, Master Course, Department of Architecture and Building Science, Graduate school of Engineering, Tohoku University.
  • 水曜3限 Wednesday(13:00~14:30)

講義の趣旨 Aim


I consider architecture and communication as an integrated problem of design.
Many of the architectural spaces such as offices, schools, and libraries, the main role were to give and receive information inside them. However, with the innovation of information technology in recent years, the relationship between architectural space and information has changed greatly. In order to think about the space and information design in the future, it is necessary to fundamentally review the interaction between the two. Both are not separate fields, and their design must be examined comprehensively. In this lecture, we will expand our horizons not only to technology but also fields such as sociology, art, philosophy, cognitive science, etc., and look at various theories and cases related to space and information.
Preliminary knowledge is not necessarily required for taking this class. After taking the course, it is expected that it will be able to start thinking about new problems from the point of view of both by acquiring a part of common sense knowledge about the interaction of space and information.

評価方法 Evaluation

  • 期末レポートを評価の主材料とする。 Based on a report at the end of the semester.
  • 各講義の中での小課題もいくらか参考にする。I will also refer to some of the small assignments in each lecture.
  • すぐれたレポート等はウェブサイト等で公開することがある。 Excellent reports may be published on the website.

教科書・参考書・リンク Textbooks and Links

  • 教科書は特に指定しない。
  • Not specify textbooks in particular.
  • 講義内容に関する疑問、質問、感想、意見など、随時上記のメールまたはGoogle Classroomで受け付ける。Questions, comments, impressions, opinions on lecture content, etc. will be accepted at any time by e-mail above.
  • 各回のトピックにふさわしい参考文献をその都度示す。
  • Each time I present a reference suitable for each topic. 

本江の自己紹介 Self Introduction of Masashige MOTOE

  • Office Urbanism
  • TRUNK creative office sharing
  • Sendai 3/11 Memorial Community Center
  • Ruins of the Great East Japan Earthquake: Nakahama Elementary School
  • Field Design Center

本日のミニワークショップ Mini Workshop of Today:

What changes will occur in cities and architecture when Generative AI becomes more capable?

  • 働きかたはどうなるか?
  • 遊びかたはどうなるか?
  • くつろぎかたはどうなるか?