
  • youtube - Geoffrey Glassner - 2017 Katmai NP, Mama and 2nd Year Cubs on Trail with Geoff


  • I’m walking backwards on the trail back to the camp
  • 私はキャンプに戻る道を後ろ向きで歩いています。

  • I’m walking on the trail and mom and two Cubs so I am continually to walk backwards 
  • お母さんクマと 2 匹の子供がいるので、ずっと後ろ向きに歩いています。

  • the mom and the Cubs keep following me and are walking at least as fast as I am
  • ママと子クマは私についてきて、少なくとも私と同じくらいの速さで歩いています
  • and this is the first walk from camp that I’ve had since getting here on Friday July 14th
  • そしてこれは、7月14日金曜日にここに来て以来、キャンプからの最初の散歩です

  • and what I don’t want to do is that them walking backwars is stumble so I will keep walking backwards 
  • そして、私がしたく無いのは彼らを後ろにして歩く事で、だから私は後ろ向きに歩いている

  • come on guys give me a break
  • Cubs just keep coming
  • Come on
  • all right that was a stumble I’m hoping they go off the trail at some point or somebody else comes along from camp

  • this is mom and the two Cubs now they’ve this is by the campsite and this is they’re at the water’s edge


  • youtube - Hiker Records Video As Mama Bear And Cubs Follow Him Along Trail

 # [adjective] 麻痺した
Geoffrey Glassner
 # ジェフリー・グラスナー

  • A mother grizzly bear and her two cubs followed a hiker, and he kept his cell phone camera rolling during the entire encounter. 
  • 母グリズリーと2匹の子グマがハイカーを追いかけ、ハイカーは遭遇の最中、携帯電話のカメラを回し続けました。

  • Most people would be paralyzed by fear but not 74-year-old Geoffrey Glassner, who was visiting National Park in Alaska recently when the bears followed him. 
  • ほとんどの人は恐怖で麻痺してしまうだろうが、74歳のジェフリー・グラスナーは違う。最近アラスカの国立公園を訪れていた彼は、クマに追いかけられた。

  • Glassner remained calm the whole time. 
  • グラスナーは終始冷静だった。

  • He hoped the grizzly family would turn off the trail, but they just kept coming. The cubs wouldn't stop, and of course protective mother followed close behind.