Round One Room 14 for World Cafe on Jan 6th, 2015 
Part of DandDTrans: a community of inquiry and action regarding the role that D&D can play in addressing the mega-crises of our time
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Who is here? 
  •  Brian Dowling
  •  Heather Tischbein
  •  Linda Seaquest
  •  Mark Spain in social media view but not audio Yes I'm here
Round One Question: 
  • What is alive in you that could pay a role in what we need to discover and do?
Collaborative Notes
The energetic vibration of love
Curiosity...engaged in a research project on "love"--finding the language of love--seems like "love" is following me
Coming partially from my INFT Meyer-Briggs persona; forced retirement from state govt. job and now looking at "new community paradigms" to answer wicked community problems and seeing not well grounded in "soft side" of practices
Coming from love allows for all--is very inclusive, not alot of judgment or separation, presents more possibilities being generated within a group: fear of judgment can cause people to be reluctant to share...presence of "love" invites sense of trust/sharing
Empirical evidence shows that attempting to convince people that they are wrong in their views only makes them hold on to them all the more firmly. Our current systems, especially in political governance is competitive, winner take all.  As Linda says, many feel unable to contribute because they don't see themselves as experts, a perspective often encouraged by institutions. 
Linda's research on "the language of love" is an interest to make space for this language in civic dialogue venues and to create dialogue spaces of trust in one another, as "we" are all in this together and need to build that sense of trust that allows Us to share as we reach for and co-design solutions
Brian more comfortable with "hard" practices such as visual diagrams...using Causal Loop Diagram and other relational  maps and finding ways to bring hard and soft practices together in community governance venues/practices.
How do we speak to the differences we are (eg Meyer-Briggs, etc.) or other "groups" (eg Tea Partiers)
I think one way we can make talking about love safe is to model being respectful and listen deeply. When we model it well the uncomfortableness can disappear because we are just being authentic rather than "weird". When we deal with bullies using love we demonstrate that they can be listened to but not at the expense of others being excluded. 
Yes Heather we have to manage our strong emotion reactions and still be open hearted. This requires deep personal practice.
Thank you to all of you