02/04: Iteration 1: Review Work Plan (Online)
Spring 2022 Thesis 2
Caspar’s Email: lamc@newschool.edu
Class: 2 W 13th, Room 1103,  Website
Download: CD App

Iteration 1: Review Work Plan
Small group meetings
Individual Meetings

Design Inspiration

What design firm/people/company would you most like to emulate (or consider successful)?
Historic Designers
Reece Parker has inventive, visually interesting, stylistically succinct animations that really sell a vibe. Gorgeous.tv creates actually interesting and artful commercials that are a joy to watch, you can tell the directors love what they do. Buck has the absolute extremely most ridiculously high animation quality and execution, so fun and satisfying, making art for art’s sake for the biggest companies.  
Saul Bass, Jan Tschichold,  
I was first introduced to Carter’s animation work but all his work is super compelling and erratic. I admire all the different types of work Lowrie does. Foreign Objects has a side of research to their work as well, creating work with a dialogue that has a opinion. I love research and education as well. Maybe dabble in creating the content I am designing. I love Wu’s playing with texture in Chinese, super cute work as well. I took Natasha’s class in junior year and always loved her editorial style. Campbell is a motion graphics and cg master. And I love Popeye magazine’s playful style. Keeping things bright. I love tracy ma too
Massimo Vignelli , Ed Fella, Katherine McCoy, 
Yee Fang (Liz)

1–Ben Denzer, Irma Boom
2–Alexandru Balgiu, Joao Castro, Alan Fletcher, Chris Ashworth, Rodrigo Corral
3–Michael Dumontier, Sam Winston, Daniel Eatock, Martin Venezky
4–Other Means, OKRM, Spin Studio
1–Using the book as an object and breaking the boundaries of the printed format. Both push to its furthest extreme using form to communicate content. The playfulness of their work also resonates with me.
2–This group pursue an independent practice as well as being part of some studio/design group. Of Fletcher, I really enjoy his writing, and the thinking / research behind his work. 
3–To me this group of people blur the line between expression and design. They call themselves artists but are in constant communication with design elements, such as type, language and form, and visualizing content and ideas is the core of their work.
4–These studios often collaborate with independent artists, writers and designers instead of big companies. Their clients are often cultural institutions and spaces and not so much brands. 
Bruno Munari
Bob Gill
Push Pin / Milton Glaser
David Carson/Raygun
Quentin Fiore

the adobe lecture video oddfellows directed was beautiful and the motion graphics was very dynamic but didnt distract from the narration. Ryan Carl and Anna Mills thoughtfully uses analog qualities in their designs that they show on a digital platform.
Brian Eno, Herbert Bayer, Saul Bass, Walter Ruttmann
Tracy Ma, Na Kim, Seulgi and min, Hyo Kwon, SPINE PRESS
Practicing in multiple areas/mediums in design. Having both team and independent work. Doesn’t depend on internet presence. Crosses both design and art. Works have a sense of fun.
Armin Hofmann, Karel Martens
The way they all combine traditional graphic design elements with other elements. Such as, photography, art, and styling. This creates some unique visuals that aren’t the. “norm”. All their work is diverse and aren’t conventional. 

Weihe (Leanne)
Kirifuda Inc, Hello Monday, DIA, 2x4, Paula Scher, RoAndCo, Local Project, IDEO, Anomaly
Possibilities of design and the use technologies/Creative and innovative ideas/Social purpose driven design projects for people and society/Immersive experience in design

Yiwen (Lindy)
frog design, 2x4, IDEO, Process, More Sleep, Paper Stone Scissor, Cyan, Meta Design, R/GA
Design for utility, Design for culture, user experience and interaction, Design for inclusivity, diverse expression, from old to new.

(1) Irma Boom (2) We Have Photoshop (3) Sulki and Min (4) Corners Studio (5) Karel Martens (6) Wang Zhihong
(1) I love that Irma Boom takes each book design project so seriously. Each book feels like a ground-up building project & the care she puts into them, from the basic page/spread design to overall experience of the physical object, is remarkable. (2, 3) I love that these are groups of people who work together. It means they can have a space for some sort of dialogical nature in their process/practice. (4) You can see that they take themselves seriously through their work. They seem very good at keeping their own perspective on design while fitting it to the needs/desires of the client. (5) I’m especially interested in Karel Martens’ design approach as laid out in OASE Journal #100... which I will read soon. (6) I feel like his book covers are always very strong typographically & whenever he uses abstract or figurative forms it always integrates well. I also like his book covers that take advantage of the “spatiality” of the book cover (e.g. how he shows consideration of both 3-dimensional and flat perspectives of the book).

Christine sun Kim, Stefan Sagmeister, Zipeng Zhu, Emily Oberman, 2x4, KarlssonWilker, DIA, Studio dumbar, metahaven
Kinetic identities, designing for experiences, spaces, cultural institutions
Designers with self initiated practices and projects
design/art is their life’s work, putting their life into their design
Design, music, motion
Language, social+cultural phenomenons
Saul Bass, Wolfgang Weingart, muriel cooper, April Greiman, John Maeda, Barbara Kruger, Jenny Holzer
Driven by social impact and using design as a tool to educate and inform others

Jessica Walsh, Roanne Adams, Violet Office, Zero Studios, Hugo & Marie, Eric Hu, Tracy Ma, Querida, Natasha Jen, Stefan Sagmeister, Ray Gun Magazine, A24
I really like most of these designers because the final product always feel well thought out and executed. I think this attributes to the level of detail within their work and the artistic process behind concepts. Nothing feels trendy and contrived because the visual aspects of design are connected to the purpose of the work.
David Carson, Qian Juntao, Jean-Paul Goude, Massimo Vignelli, George Lois, Igarashi Takenobu, Jan Tschichold, Shoichi Aoki
Jiayi (Cassie)
Work&Co, Pentagram, Kohui,  2x4
I love these design firms and designer for their unique practices and incorporating new ideas and technologies. 

Frog Design, Work&Co, Ogilvy, Giorgia Lupi
A lot of these designers lead with data-driven design, and design for social impact. 
Edward Tufte?, Moritz Stefaner
Xinyi (Vella)
M/M Paris, Stack magazine, Mariano Pascual, It’s Nice That, 2x4, Studio NA.EO
unexpected visual ideas, challenge the design boundaries, the variety of works, uniqueness of design languages
Armin Hofmann, Emil Ruder, April Greiman, Wolfgang Weingart, Josef Müller-Brockmann