An egghead member is here to learn. They are primarily interested in courses, but many also enjoy the near constant stream of stand-alone lessons. There are many sub-categories of members, but they are the consumers of the content.
New Instructor
The new instructor is a developer that contributes to open source and writes the occasional blog post. They have heard of egghead, and even watched some lessons. They are primarily interested in getting their first few lessons published so they can work on their first course.
+Instructor Lifecycle Emails contains a lot of information regarding the communication that is sent to new instructors.
The instructor has recorded several lessons and even a course. They are working on building their egghead catalog to increase their reputation and supplement their income. They want to get feedback on their lessons and course proposals so that they can publish quality content. In addition, they want to be able to quickly see statistics on their royalties and viewership.
A mentor is typically a veteran instructor. They understand the ins and outs of the“egghead style”. They use the instructor center as an instructor, but they also provide feedback to new instructors. They want to get an overview of where the new instructors they are training are at, so that they can quickly keep them moving forward.
The editor is egghead staff. They are mentors and often instructors. They assist all instructors and mentors in making sure their publishing process is as smooth as possible. They pay attention to the entire catalog of content, so they can help advise and guide new content to fill holes.
The reviewer is egghead staff. Keep a vigilant eye on the quality of our content both during before and after content is published.
02. egghead lesson publication workflow
Instructors create lessons. Our goal is to provide a manageable and relatively transparent process for them to follow when uploading.
Much of this process is still locked up in and/or manual process. We want to migrate this entire workflow to the Instructor Center and apply automation where it provides the most value.
This document will describe the primary aspects of how instructors create lessons for egghead, and also how they are reviewed/approved to publish to our members. Each of the primary steps to publication will have a“current status” as well as“next steps”.
As a new instructor, a lesson title and summary must be proposed and be accepted by a mentor or admin.
An instructor with 5+ lessons will be able to create lessons that will be accepted immediately without review. They still require a title and summary.
The variant requires them to add more complete information and claims and submits the lesson immediately. The instructor center creates a slimmer Lesson object(just a title, tech, and summary) in the proposed state and only adds it to the instructors“In Progress” list on their overview page.
An instructor can claim any accepted lesson that they have created. They may also claim a lesson that is currently in the“requested” state as created by an admin/mentor.
current status: If an instructor creates a lesson on it is immediately claimed as theirs. They can also claim requested lessons.
next steps: do we need an approval process for proposed lessons?
Forfeiting a lesson
A claimed lesson that has come from the requested topic pool can be forfeited after a certain period of time with no activity and return to the pool. An instructor can also forfeit any lesson they have created.
current status: not implemented
next steps: decide the ruleset and apply a basic implementation in code. Generally low priority as it isn’t an issue yet.
Upload the lesson video
Video can be attached to a lesson that the instructor has been claimed.
New Instructor
Creating the lesson
Claiming the lesson
Forfeiting a lesson
Upload the lesson video