0. Long List of Interesting Excerpts/Comments, Lessons about AI

Two of the most fascinating subjects for the curious are the brain and the universe ! 

  1. How universe was formed and how does it work? 

  1. How to build a intelligent machine with good bits of brain characteristics that is capable of learning? 

is it even possible to replicate such complexity? we think yes 

how to do it? 

  • Three hypothesis so far:
  1. Combine logic with learning
  1. AI = deep learning + reinforcement learning 
  1. Natural Language Understanding 

Table of Contents: 

  1. Langauge and Intelligence  
  1. Conscience (self-awareness)
  1. Imagination 
  1. Encoded knowledge and Learning 
  1. AI = deep learning + reinforcement learning

We summarize key papers/talks/books 
